We now have a patient portal available from our website for our patients to use. This allows you to have real-time access to your medications, labs, and upcoming appointments. You will also be able to request appointments, request refills, and update your demographic information. 

To get started, please go to the Family Care Medical Group website, www.fcmg.org and click the link for patient portal. Then, click on the link Activate patient portal account. You will be prompted to fill out some basic personal information, as well as create a login name and password and enter your name and date of birth exactly as it appears on the portal letter you receive during your visit. You will be able to make changes to your personal information once your portal account has been activated. 

Please be as thorough as possible when filling out your personal information. This will save us time on the day of your appointment and will help us provide you the best medical care possible. 

This web-based patient portal is to be used for NON-URGENT issues only. 

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